Friday, 23 August 2013

Understanding Linux

What is Linux?

Linux, first of all is an Operating Systems..!!!
Operating Systems - Now whats an Operating System, Lets solve this riddle

An operating system (OS) is a collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs. 

And now whats KERNEL. Kernel is heart of an OS, it manages resources, now whats an resource?? Are we going off topic!!! Okay lets be back on our topic.
Lets be back to Linux.


Linux is a Unix-Like OS. The History of Linux began in 1991 with the commencement of a personal project by a Finnish student, Linus Torvalds, to create a new free operating system kernel. Since then, the resulting Linux kernel has been marked by constant growth throughout its history. Since the initial release of its source code in 1991, it has grown from a small number of C files under a license prohibiting commercial distribution to its state in 2009 of over 370 MB
of source under the GNU General Public License.

Features of Linux


Linux is free.  :)
First ,It's available free of cost (You don't have to pay to use this OS, other OSes like MS-Windows or Commercial version of Unix may cost you money) 
Second free means freedom to use Linux, i.e. when you get Linux you will also get source code of Linux, so you can modify OS (Yes OS! Linux OS!!) according to your taste. 
It also offers many Free Software applications, programming languages, and development tools etc. Most of the Program/Software/OS are under GNU General Public License

Unix Like 

Then Ken Thompson (System programmer of Bell Labs) thinks he could do better (In 1991, Linus Torvalds felt he could do better than Minix - History repeats itself.). So Ken Thompson wrote OS on PDP - 7 Computer, assembler and few utilities, this is know as Unix (1969). But this version of Unix is not portable. Then Unix was rewrote in C. Because Unix written in 'C', it is portable. It means Unix can run on verity of Hardware platform (1970-71). 
So Unix is Multi-user, Multitasking, Internet-aware Network OS.  Linux almost had same Unix Like feature for e.g.
  • Like Unix, Linux is also written is C.
  • Like Unix, Linux is also the Multi-user/Multitasking/32 or 64 bit Network OS.
  • Like Unix, Linux is rich in Development/Programming environment.
  • Like Unix, Linux runs on different hardware platform.

Open Source 

Linux is developed under the GNU Public License. This is sometimes referred to as a "copyleft", to distinguish it from a copyright.
Under GPL the source code is available to anyone who wants it, and can be freely modified, developed, and so forth. There are only a few restrictions on the use of the code. If you make changes to the programs , you have to make those changes available to everyone. This basically means you can't take the Linux source code, make a few changes, and then sell your modified version without making the source code available.

Why Linux?

Hmm.. A skeptic, good.. Well, First of all its FREE and you have got this amazing oppurtunity to modify, customize and change the source code which is available to all, unlike Windows where everything is hidden and all..

Secondly, there is this really cool community of Linux users always for your help, kinda missing from Windows platform.

Its a whole new world when you start or when you switch to Linux form boring BLUE GAINTS.

Where Linux can be used

Anywhere, literally anywhere be it be your old pc, new laptop, tablet or even mobile phones. It is there, specifically speaking these are where Linux can be used.
  • Personal Work
  • Web Server
  • Software Development Workstation
  • Workgroup Server
  • In Data Center for various server activities such as FTP, Telnet, SSH, Web, Mail, Proxy, Proxy Cache Appliance etc.


So start using one. Latest version of Linux Ubuntu is 13.04, easily available everywhere to download go to




Monday, 19 August 2013

Bleeding Rupee ,Diseased Economy.

Since July last year, the Indian rupee has fallen by more than 27% against the US dollar, one of the biggest declines among Asian currencies.

Understanding Money

Money is the value assigned to a commodity, a piece of paper, a coin or electronic data. It can be of different types-commodity money, representative money, fiat money and commercial bank money. Gold coins, cocoa beans, cattle or anything that has a value of its own and is used as a medium of exchange is commodity money. The use of commodity money is similar to barter, except that the commodity used is widely accepted 
and can be easily handled.

The value of a currency is its purchasing power – that is, what you can get for a unit of the currency in terms of goods and services. In today’s context when it is said that a currency is declining or being devalued, it is with respect to other currencies.

 Free Fall

According to BBC, this falling of Indian currency with respect to USD is mainly due to some reasons. They being.








    What can be done?

    # We should stop or decrease our imports mainly oil and improve exports.  Currently oil import companies are making large purchases for which large amount of Dollar is required Nations like The united states such as Indian have arranged their oil sources and mostly transfer.

     # Now Govt of India has to be interested in enhancing manufacturing.  More discounts and rewards by means of tax refund or motivation for less publishing organizations to be announced, so that natural manufacturing will improve and there by transfer of such product will get decreased and unwanted manufacturing may be released. 

    # Traditional clear policy decision is needed.  The marketers,  traders will come forward to get and single window venture approval should be applied with firm guidelines.

     # RBI also prohibited financial institutions from dealing in rupee forex futures dealing and choices, except on part of their customers.


    May god be with us.










Sunday, 18 August 2013


Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) are softwares where it is possible to see and change the software codes that make it work, but the community who developed it actually encourage it and rely on this philosophy to see the software spread and grow beyond its original creators. 
The nature of FOSS development practices means that some tools are extremely professional and even exceed the functionality of proprietary solutions. This is possible to see in applications such as Firefox for Web browsing, or Thunderbird for email.

Open source projects usually have a large and welcoming community around them. Just look at the ubuntu community; its great.
Open source software tends to be more secure. The more eyes watching the code, the more security holes get noticed and fixed. Linux is better and more secured constructed from the beginning.
And now the best part its FREE.... :)


If you feel that proprietary software are powerful, then tell me, how they can be powerful if they don’t respect the freedom of its users. The users are bounded by ropes there. They are spied, restricted to upgrades and even bounded to use the features. You don’t have any freedom to modify, distribute the software or even the see the code else you will be caught doing illegal actions.

“Be a Programmer in Real sense, else use Proprietary Software. The choice is all yours “

Happy Coding :)